Keylogging is the action of capturing and recording keys struck on a keyboard. A keylogger is a program which captures and monitors all keylogs. Keyloggers can be both in the form of a built software program or directly downloaded onto a hardware module.
Build a keylogger in python which logs keys, gathers computer information, network information, gets the clipboard content, records the user microphone, and take screenshots of a computer screen.
Project Recommendations
It is recommended you have a foundational knowledge of programming and python fundamentals. Being familiar with common programming concepts as well as python syntax. Program is not dependent on any specific operating system. Third party libraries or modules will be required to add keylogging features.
Keylogger Features:
- Saves every single key and special characters
- Gets Computer Information (RAM, OS) & Network Information (IP Address, MAC Address)
- Clipboard
- Screenshots
- Possibly Microphone?
Python Libraries
- Logging Keys: Pynput.keyboard or pyHook
- Log File: logging
- Computer Information: platform, psutil, os
- Network Information: ifaddr
- Clipboard: win32clipboard
- Screenshots
Targeted Attack – Isn’t spread to the masses, only to the victims I select
Platform – Windowszz
- Using a .pyw file
- Try using pyinstaller
- Setup Wizard for Bogus Software
Getting Started – Python, Pycharm and Modules
Before you start writing code, it’s important to ensure you have Python installed as well as the proper modules.
Step One: Go to, navigate to the downloads section and download the latest version of python
Step Two: Go through the setup wizard and make sure to install pip as well as add python to the path
Step Three: Go to, under Community, choose the free download option. Go through the setup wizard using default options.
Step Four: Open PyCharm once downloaded and select Create New Projects.
Step 5: Now you will download all packages / modules / dependencies for the project. There are multiple methods to do this, including using the pip tool, or directly importing through PyCharm. We will be directly importing all packages in Python (because often permission and file paths can get messed up when using the pip tool).
To install a package through PyCharm, navigate to File –> Settings (CTRL + ALT + S).
Under settings, navigate to Project: Project Name, and select Project Interpreter.
In the Project Interpreter, click the + icon to add a new module.
When you have clicked on the + icon, a new window will pop open named Available Packages. We can search for each module / package and install directly into our project.
For example, to install the cryptography module, simply search “cryptography”, click the
package which says cryptography, then click Install Package and wait for it to install.
Once package has been successfully installed, we can move onto the next module to install.
For this project, install all of the following modules (name is exactly the name of the
- pywin32
- pynput
- scipy
- cryptography
- requests
- pillow
- sounddevice
Once you have imported all modules, exit out all of settings windows and wait a few minutes for each package to install.
You have successfully installed python, PyCharm, and all required modules.
Creating Files and Appending to files
For multiple parts of the keylogger, we will be appending data to files. Before we append data to files, we must first create variables with the proper extensions. Here are the variables you will need with the proper extensions.
system_information = "system.txt"
audio_information = "audio.wav"
clipboard_information = "clipboard.txt"
screenshot_information = "screenshot.png"
keys_information = "key_log.txt
We will also need 3 addition files for encryption, I simply used the e_file_name syntax for each file.
system_information_e = 'e_system.txt'
clipboard_information_e = 'e_clipboard.txt'
keys_information_e = 'e_keys_logged.txt'
To open and append to files, use the with open(file_path, “a”) as f:
To write to the file, simply use the f.write(data) method.
Logging Keys
To log keys using python, we will be using the pynput module.
Module to install:
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
To add an email functionality, we will be using the email module.
Modules to install:
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email import encoders
import smtplib
Computer Information
To gather computer information, we will use socket and platform modules.
Modules to install:
import socket
import platform
Key Ideas with socket:
• The hostname = socket.gethostname() method gets the hostname
• To get the internal IP address, use socket.gethostbyname(hostname) method
Key ideas with platform:
• To receive processor information, use the platform.processor()
• To get the system and version information use platform.system()
and platform.version()
• To get the machine information, use the platform.machine()
To get external (public facing) IP address, use
• Use the get(‘’).text
to get external ip
To get the clipboard information, we will be using the win32clipboard module, which is a submodule of pywin32
Module to install:
import win32clipboard
Key ideas with win32clipboard:
• The person may not have any writeable data for the clipboard (could have copied an image), so make sure
to use a try – except block just in case information could not be copied.
• To open clipboard, use the win32clipboard.OpenClipboard()
• To get clipboard information, use the win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()
• To close the clipboard, use the win32clipboard.CloseClipboard()
To record with microphone, we will be using the sounddevice module and writing to a .wav file using the module.
Modules to install:
from import write
import sounddevice as sd
Key ideas with sounddevice:
• Ensure to set the fs variable: fs = 44100
• Ensure to add a seconds variable: seconds = microphone_time
To record, use the following code:myrecording = sd.rec(int(seconds * fs), samplerate=fs, channels=2)
• To write the recording to a .wav file, use the following code: write(filepath, fs, myrecording)
To take a screenshot, we will use the ImageGrab from the Pillow Module.
Modules to install:
from multiprocessing import Process, freeze_support
from PIL import ImageGrab
Key Ideas with ImageGrab:
• The ImageGrab.grab()
method takes a screenshot
• To save the image, use the
To ensure only one screenshot is taken at a time, add freeze_support().
Use the following code below:
if name == “main”:
Build the timer
To build a timer which goes through a certain number of iterations before the keylogger ends, we will be using the timer function.
Use the following process:
1. Create an iterations variable and set its value to zero (iterations = 0)
2. Create an end_iterations variable which sets to a certain amount of iterations before ending the keylogger (end_iterations = 5)
3. Get the current time using the time.time() function, set this equal to a variable (currentTime = time.time())
4. Create a time_iteration variable which collects the keylogs for a certain period of time in seconds (time_iteration = 15)
5. Get the stoppingTime by adding the time.time() function + time_iteration to stop, set this equal to a variable (stoppingTime = time.time() + time_iteration)
6. while iterations is less than (<) the ending_iterations…
- a. log keys
7. If the current time is greater than (>) the stopping time…
- a. Take a screenshot
- b. Send screenshot to email
- c. Gather clipboard contents
- d. Add 1 to iterations variable
- e. Get new current time
- f. Get new stopping time
To encrypt files, we will use the cryptography.fernet module.
Module to import:
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
Key ideas to remember for encryption module:
• Use the following tutorial
How to Encrypt Strings and Files in Python:
Converting our Python Keylogger to an executable can be a little tricky. Python isn’t very good at
converting scripts and programs into executables because there are often many dependencies
(modules) which have to be downloaded. To turn this keylogger into an executable, I recommend using one of two programs… I have included some helpful tutorials which can help you convert your Python programs into executables.
- pyinstaller:
- Auto PY to EXE: