Web application security has become an increasingly important concern in today’s digital age. With more and more data being transferred online, it’s crucial to ensure that web applications are secure and protected from hackers and other cyber threats. One powerful tool that can help secure web applications is Burp Suite.

Burp Suite is a popular web application security testing tool that can help developers and security professionals identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in web applications. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various features of Burp Suite and how to use them to enhance the security of your web applications.

Hot Keys

Ctrl+S­hift= TTarget Tab
Crtl+S­hift+PProxy Tab
Crtl+S­hift+IIntruder Tab
Crtl+S­hift+RRepeater Tab
Crtl+RSend to Repeater
Crtl+ISend to Intruder

Additional Hot Keys

Crtl+S­hift=UURL Decode Selection
Crtl+UURL encode selection
Crtl+FForward Interc­epted Proxy

Basic Edits

Select allCtrl+A

Burp Suite Tools

Proxy Tab

InterceptToggles interception of traffic on/off
Intercepted HistoryView intercepted requests and responses
Intercepted RequestModify intercepted request
Intercepted ResponseModify intercepted response
OptionsConfigure proxy options
Match/ReplaceDefine match and replace rules


The Intercept functionality allows you to intercept and modify HTTP/S requests and responses. This is useful for testing and analyzing web applications as you can modify requests before they are sent to the server, or modify the server’s response before it is returned to the client.

Intercepted History

The Intercepted History shows all the requests and responses that have been intercepted. You can view the request/response headers and body, and use the search functionality to filter through the history.

Intercepted Request

The Intercepted Request shows the intercepted request and allows you to modify the request before it is sent to the server. You can modify headers, parameters, and the request body.

Intercepted Response

The Intercepted Response shows the intercepted response and allows you to modify the response before it is returned to the client. You can modify headers and the response body.


The Options menu allows you to configure proxy options such as listener ports, SSL interception, and proxy chaining.


The Match/Replace functionality allows you to define match and replace rules for requests and responses. You can match on specific strings or patterns, and replace them with other strings or patterns.

Target Tab

ScopeDefine scope of target
Site MapView discovered pages and requests
IssuesView identified vulnerabilities
ScannerLaunch automated vulnerability scans
ExtensibilityAdd extensions to enhance functionality


The Scope functionality allows you to define the scope of the target you are testing. This can include specific domains, URLs, and parameters. Requests that fall outside of the defined scope will not be included in the scan.

Site Map

The Site Map shows all the discovered pages and requests for the target. You can view the request/response headers and body, and use the search functionality to filter through the site map.


The Issues functionality shows all the identified vulnerabilities for the target. This includes vulnerabilities detected by the automated scanner as well as any manual testing.


The Scanner allows you to launch automated vulnerability scans for the target. This includes a variety of scanning options such as active and passive scanning, and the ability to configure specific scan settings.


The Extensibility functionality allows you to add extensions to enhance the functionality of Burp Suite. This can include custom payloads, integrations with other tools, and custom scan modules.

Intruder Tab

PositionsDefine injection points
PayloadsDefine payload types and values
AttackLaunch attack using selected payload
OptionsConfigure attack options
ResultsView attack results


The Positions functionality allows you to define the injection points for the attack. This can include specific parameters, headers, and cookies.


The Payloads functionality allows you to define the payload types and values for the attack. This can include custom payloads, pre-defined payloads, and parameter fuzzing.


The Attack functionality allows you to launch the attack using the selected payloads. This includes the ability to configure specific attack options and settings.


The Options menu allows you to configure attack options such as request delay and retries, and response analysis settings.


The Results functionality shows the results of the attack. This includes information such as the request and response headers and body, the attack status, and any identified vulnerabilities.

Repeater Tab

RequestView and modify request
ResponseView response
OptionsConfigure repeater options
Match/ReplaceDefine match and replace rules


The Request functionality allows you to view and modify the request before sending it to the server. This includes modifying headers, parameters, and the request body.


The Response functionality allows you to view the response from the server. This includes the response headers and body.


The Options menu allows you to configure repeater options such as request/response highlighting and encoding settings.


The Match/Replace functionality allows you to define match and replace rules for the request and response. You can match on specific strings or patterns, and replace them with other strings or patterns.

Decoder Tab

DecodeDecode encoded data
EncodeEncode data
OptionsConfigure decoder options


The Decode functionality allows you to decode encoded data such as URL-encoded data or base64-encoded data.


The Encode functionality allows you to encode data such as parameters or payloads. This includes options for URL encoding, HTML encoding, and base64 encoding.


The Options menu allows you to configure decoder options such as auto-detection of encoding type and custom decoding/encoding rules.

Comparer Tab

Base RequestSet base request
New RequestSet new request to compare
OptionsConfigure comparer options
ComparisonView comparison results

Base Request

The Base Request functionality allows you to set the base request for the comparison. This includes the ability to select a request from the history or manually enter a request.

New Request

The New Request functionality allows you to set the new request to compare. This includes the ability to select a request from the history or manually enter a request.


The Options menu allows you to configure comparer options such as ignoring certain headers and parameters, and ignoring whitespace differences.


The Comparison functionality shows the comparison results between the base request and the new request. This includes the differences in request headers, request parameters, and response headers.

Collaborator Tab

ClientLaunch Burp Collaborator client
Collaborator ServerConfigure Burp Collaborator server
Interaction HistoryView interaction history


The Client functionality allows you to launch the Burp Collaborator client. This is used to generate unique interactions between the client and server for testing and analysis.

Collaborator Server

The Collaborator Server functionality allows you to configure the Burp Collaborator server. This includes setting up the server, configuring the listener ports, and configuring the interaction types.

Interaction History

The Interaction History shows all the interactions between the client and server. You can view the interaction details and use the search functionality to filter through the history.

Project Options

Project OptionsConfigure project options
Engagement ToolsConfigure engagement tools
Burp CollaboratorConfigure Burp Collaborator

Project Options

The Project Options functionality allows you to configure project options such as the proxy listener port, SSL certificate, and session handling rules.

Engagement Tools

The Engagement Tools functionality allows you to configure engagement tools such as the target analyzer, site map generator, and content discovery tool.

Burp Collaborator

The Burp Collaborator functionality allows you to configure Burp Collaborator settings such as the collaborator server URL, collaborator types, and DNS settings.


HTTP Request Smugglercreated by burpsuite to help launch http request smuggling attacks
Retire.jsSearches for outdated Javascript
Software Vulner­ability ScannerLooks at software version numbers with vulnhu­b.com for there vulner­abi­lities

These extensions help to discovery vulner­abi­lities. They allow you to use pen testing skills to do the research to find the vulner­abi­lities.

View Web traffic with Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a powerful tool that allows you to view and modify web traffic. With Burp Suite, you can intercept and analyze HTTP and HTTPS traffic between your web browser and the web server, enabling you to identify and fix vulnerabilities in your web applications.

Here are the steps to view web traffic with Burp Suite:

  1. Set up Burp Suite as a proxy

The first step is to set up Burp Suite as a proxy. This involves configuring your web browser to use Burp Suite as a proxy server. To do this, open Burp Suite and go to the “Proxy” tab. Click on the “Options” tab, and then on the “Proxy listeners” sub-tab. Click on the “Add” button, and select the interface and port that you want to use as the proxy.

Next, configure your web browser to use Burp Suite as a proxy server. The process for doing this will vary depending on the browser you are using. In general, you will need to go to your browser’s settings, find the proxy settings, and enter the IP address and port number of the Burp Suite proxy.

  1. Intercept web traffic

Once Burp Suite is set up as a proxy, you can start intercepting web traffic. To do this, go to the “Proxy” tab in Burp Suite, and click on the “Intercept” sub-tab. Then, click on the “Intercept is on” button to start intercepting traffic.

When you visit a website in your browser, the traffic will be intercepted by Burp Suite. You can view the intercepted traffic in the “Proxy” tab, under the “Intercept” sub-tab.

  1. Analyze web traffic

Burp Suite allows you to analyze web traffic in a variety of ways. For example, you can view the raw request and response data, as well as the headers and cookies. You can also view the traffic in a variety of formats, such as text, HTML, and JSON.

You can use Burp Suite to identify vulnerabilities in your web application by looking for common attack patterns, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and CSRF attacks. You can also use Burp Suite to test the effectiveness of your web application’s security controls, such as authentication and access controls.

  1. Modify web traffic

Burp Suite also allows you to modify web traffic, which can be helpful in testing your web application’s resilience to attacks. For example, you can modify the request headers or cookies to simulate an attack, and then observe how the application responds.

To modify web traffic, simply select the request or response in the “Proxy” tab, and then right-click and select “Send to Repeater”. This will open the request in the Repeater tool, where you can make modifications and resend the request.


  • What is Burp Suite?

Burp Suite is a suite of tools for web application security testing. It includes a proxy server, scanner, intruder, repeater, sequencer, and decoder.

  • What can Burp Suite be used for?

Burp Suite can be used for a variety of web application security testing tasks, such as intercepting and analyzing web traffic, identifying vulnerabilities, and testing the effectiveness of security controls.

  • Is Burp Suite free?

Burp Suite has both a free and paid version. The free version, called Burp Suite Community Edition, has limited functionality compared to the paid version, called Burp Suite Professional.

  • What are some common use cases for Burp Suite?

Some common use cases for Burp Suite include testing web application security controls, identifying vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), and modifying web traffic to simulate attacks.

  • What operating systems does Burp Suite support?

Burp Suite runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

  • How do I install Burp Suite?

To install Burp Suite, go to the PortSwigger website and download the appropriate version for your operating system. Then, follow the installation instructions provided by PortSwigger.

  • Is Burp Suite difficult to learn?

Burp Suite can be complex and may require some learning to use effectively. However, there are many resources available online to help users learn how to use Burp Suite, such as tutorials, documentation, and online communities.

  • Is Burp Suite legal to use?

Burp Suite can be used for both legal and illegal activities. It is important to use Burp Suite ethically and within the scope of your authorized testing activities.

  • Is Burp Suite a replacement for manual testing?

Burp Suite is not a replacement for manual testing. While Burp Suite can help automate some tasks, such as identifying common vulnerabilities, manual testing is still necessary to thoroughly test a web application.


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